A private school will work with parents to help children foster a love for learning and reading. Elementary children are often encouraged to read daily to enhance reading skills and help build a healthy foundation with reading. Many parents wonder how much their child should be reading. This article provides a complete guide to answer that question.
Rule of Thumb
It’s common for parents to go by the general rule of twenty minutes a day for early readers. According to the Child Research and Study Center, it’s recommended that beginners read for 15-20 minutes daily. This is a beautiful starting point for parents of elementary schoolers.
Consider Age
Elementary school encompasses a wide age gap, making it essential to consider a child’s age when determining how long they should read. Younger children have short attention spans and often do better reading for shorter periods. Consider gaps of ten minutes twice daily. Older children can usually focus long enough to read for more extended periods.
Encourage Challenge
Quality is often more important than quantity. Encourage children to read new books that challenge them or focus on words they learn in school. Ask kids questions to keep them engaged in the material. Read with your child to help them pronounce words they struggle with.
Learn Cues
When determining how long your child should read, a private school recommends paying attention to your child. Children new to reading or with a learning disability may get exhausted or frustrated from reading for long periods. If you notice this in your child, consider shortening the amount of time they spend reading.
Aim For Consistency
Consistency is critical to help children develop a love for reading. Private schools often send home a reading log to encourage early readers to establish routines. Read for the same amount of time with your child daily. As your child ages, slowly increase this time until they can read for extended periods.
Encourage Passion
Reading at home should help foster a love for reading instead of feeling like a burden. Consider how much homework your child has and other extracurricular activities. Adjust their routine or reading time based on what else they are doing to ensure they enjoy reading at home.
A private school often works with parents to develop a suitable routine for their child. These schools can also foster a love for reading and education within your child. If you’re interested in hearing more about how our private school can support your child, reach out today.