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There are lots of advantages to enrolling your kids in the best private schools available. Apart from the safer environment, lower staff-to-student ratios, and lots of extracurricular activities, you will also find that private schools have better SAT scores. According to the National Association of Independent Schools, the national average SAT score for private schools is approximately 1235. This is significantly higher than the national average for all schools, which is 1060. Here are some factors that contribute to this.

Better Academic Support

The best private schools are generally better funded. As such, they can afford better teachers and more effective teaching programs. Apart from that, if you look at the structure of private schools, you will notice that students get better attention from the teachers. The classes are small, so a teacher will likely notice if a student is struggling with something. Teachers also work with parents closely, and parents play a huge role in the education of students. All these factors help private school students to be better prepared for standardized tests. It’s highly unlikely that a student will get to exam time still struggling with something that’s not known by their teacher or parent.

More Preparation Time

The fact is that some schools have better programs than others. The best private schools set aside more time for standardized test preparation than other schools. This allows them to identify any areas that may be more challenging for students. This approach is not only taken for SAT tests but for everything in general. As such, you will notice that private school graduates generally perform better in the long term.

Highly Qualified Tutors

One of the reasons why private schools have better SAT scores is the quality of tutors they have. Because their budgets are flexible, private schools can afford to hire better tutors. These tutors invest a lot in helping students prepare for standardized tests. Working with a tutor one-on-one enables students to hone in on their strengths and weaknesses. They will assist students in building upon those strengths. Apart from that, they also help them improve the areas they need to work on. It’s highly unlikely that large SAT classes offer this kind of personalized attention.

These are some of the reasons why students from private schools have better SAT scores. Apart from the reasons listed above, private schools are more competitive. This usually correlates with more academically minded students. If you are interested in giving your child the best chance to score high test marks, give us a call at Lynn-Rose School today.

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